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Due to the well publicised rises in operational costs, an increase has become a necessity. Please note that we are reviewing our prices, and our new charges will come into effect on Tuesday 1st April 2025.

Roger Lewis

Bridport Leisure Centre Founder Member

Roger Lewis



The catalyst that led to the extensive facilities that Bridport Leisure Centre offer today, was the installation of the squash courts in 1975.

This year as we celebrate our 50-year Anniversary, we spoke to one of our current members Roger Lewis.

Roger (80) was one of the original squash enthusiasts that supported the construction of the courts and even helped to finance their development. The building of the courts led to the formation of Bridport and West Dorset Sports Trust Ltd., which was registered as a charity, and continues to manage the centre today.

Roger, a regular visitor to the centre explains: “I came to Bridport Leisure Centre at the very start. I was one of the founder members of the Leisure Centre, but back then 50 years ago, all it was, was a track from the road into the old cricket pavilion/rugby pavilion. We had squash courts build for us by a company called Banbury, they were specialists in building squash courts in those day when squash was beginning to become popular.

“We had two squash courts, then after about 4 or 5 years we had another squash court built on to the two which we had, so we had the squash courts and our changing rooms, later a fair proportion of the Leisure Centre was built.

“The gym, which it is now, was a restaurant come bar in those days, from there we went over to getting the swimming pool and all what we have now, and that all came in operation about 30 years ago. We can say that the Leisure Centre that we have today is down to our squash courts.”

The construction of the courts was thanks to financial assistance from original squash club members, and they were run by the Squash Club.

Roger said: “We put money towards it and also with thanks to Palmers Brewery, because they helped as well. And that’s how it happened, it seems like yesterday, 50 years ago, 5 decades ago, I can’t believe it.

“I have seen a lot of changes, but I will say this, within those changes, one change that has never happened is that all the staff who work at the leisure centre, and that have done from the time I’ve been here, are all very nice and kind people. I hold the staff very high in my eyes, very good they are, all of you, brilliant, I love coming down here.

“My view about sport, this is with the Leisure Centre, it’s getting on with your fellow man. If you are involved with sport, we have the common denominator, were all here to keep ourselves fit both mentally and physically, that’s why it’s so important to make friends down here. I’ve made a lot of friends through the years by being at the Leisure Centre.”

Roger and his wife Margaret are both members and great advocates of the centre.

Roger explains: “Margaret my wife I met down here 29 years ago, I can say that it was down to the Leisure Centre that we met and got married. We had a swimming club, and she joined, I met her, and we were married within 9 months of meeting. I never knew her before, we got married when we were just over 50. That was down to the Leisure Centre.”

Over the years Roger has made use of many of the facilities the centre offers. He said: “I used to go down to the hall and we did aerobics, and in the Bacit Studio. I used the gym quite a lot, I played a lot of squash, I got to a fairly good level at squash and enjoyed that I made a lot of friends in the squash world.”



“These days I go to yoga and I try to come to the gym, but it’s only when my body says so.”

Roger and Margaret both enjoying using the facilities at the leisure centre and feel that it is important for both their physical health and also their mental wellbeing. Roger explains: “Now and again we visit together, we like to do things together, but also, we like to do things on our own, it’s most important. One day Margaret or myself are going to left on our own, and this is where the Leisure Centre will come in handy, because if you are on your own and you want company or want to mingle with other people this is the place to come. this is very very important to people who are in that situation, and everybody who is married or who have got partners one day are going to be faced with that situation, and its places like this that will help with the situation.”

Bridport Leisure Centre is fortunate to have such a staunch supporter in Roger, he adds: “My considered opinion about Bridport Leisure Centre is I’ve been to all the Leisure Centres in Dorset and there’s no Leisure Centre that can compete with this. This Leisure Centre is the best in Dorset by a mile, in my book. I’ve always enjoyed coming down here, always enjoyed the facilities and as I say enjoyed the staff and their comments too, it’s very very good.”



Roger (centre) with two friends and Leisure Centre members Dave Johnson and Mike Blackmore. Roger said: “We used to play regularly in the good old days.”