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Due to the well publicised rises in operational costs, an increase has become a necessity. Please note that we are reviewing our prices, and our new charges will come into effect on Tuesday 1st April 2025.
Our Fitness Classes

Hyrox – Introduction to Hyrox

About The Class

Introduction to Hyrox workout sessions are taken by official HYROX instructors, and are Hyrox training, broken up into shorter, fast paced, HIIT style zones.
Zones include a mixture of cardiovascular and muscular endurance exercises, based on those you would do in a HYROX Competition.
These classes are designed to test your fitness, whilst working at your own personal pace.
HYROX classes are the perfect opportunity to help you…
Try something new and exciting
Get fitter and challenge yourself
Feel more confident in yourself and your fitness abilities
Be part of a team
Regain some new motivation
Give you the perfect goal for something to work towards

H A L F   H Y R O X   S I M U L A T I O N  –  SATURDAY 5TH APRIL 2025

Join us for an exciting Half HYROX Simulation as part of the Bridport Leisure Centres 50 year anniversary fundraising campaign!

Get ready to test yourself while supporting your local leisure centre as you tackle a new challenge! Participants will run 500m in between each of the HYROX 8 zones. Distances will be halved, weights will remain the same except in sled pull and push where a medium weight between men and women will be used.

This event will test your strength, endurance and agility. Whether you’re an athlete, a regular at our HYROX classes or just looking to get started, this is for everyone. Work at your own pace without any competition pressure – this is for fun!

There will be a cake sale, a raffle and tours of the centre available with too good to miss membership offers. Our swimming pool will be open with half price entry for all HYROX participants for you to cool off after you have completed your challenge, or to warm up beforehand. Bring your family along for an extended Fun Session in the pool from 12.30pm to 3pm.

To sign up for this unique opportunity, follow https://www.jumblebee.co.uk/bridportleisurecentrehalfhyroxsimulation

Key Features

Click on a title below to expand and read more information:

Learn about the structure of Hyrox events and workouts, including the combination of running and functional fitness movements.

Master proper techniques for exercises like sled pushes, burpees, lunges, and rowing to enhance performance and reduce injury risks.

Develop cardiovascular fitness and muscular stamina to tackle high-intensity challenges.

Incorporate strength-based exercises to build overall power and resilience.

Gain a balance of strength, speed, and endurance.

Engage in high-intensity exercises that promote fat loss and metabolism boost.

Overcome challenging workouts that build confidence and grit.

Join a motivating group of like-minded fitness enthusiasts.

Muscle Groups

Class Schedule

Click the link below to view the timetable for all our fitness classes and find a class and time that suits you!

If you are new to classes, let your instructor know when you arrive, and they will help you get started – all of our classes cater for all abilities, so you can work at your own pace.

Fitness Class Timetable
Class Details

Boost strength, endurance, and fitness with Hyrox training!

Duration : 

45 Minutes

Intensity : 


Fitness Level : 


Focus & Benefits : 

Master Hyrox structure and techniques

Key Features : 

Build strength, endurance, and overall athletic performance

Schedule : 


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