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Due to the well publicised rises in operational costs, an increase has become a necessity. Please note that we are reviewing our prices, and our new charges will come into effect on Tuesday 1st April 2025.


Updated COVID Guidance: As the cases of COVID-19 continue to rise both locally and nationally, the Bridport Leisure Centre Team continue to make the safety of its Staff and Members their number one priority.

Please CLICK HERE to view Bridport Leisure Centre’s latest guidance.

Together we CAN beat the virus and cause minimal disruptions to our Leisure Centre.

Current COVID rules effecting swimming at Bridport Leisure Centre:

  • We still actively encourage Members / Swim School Parents to wear face masks when in circulation areas / spectating.
  • Enforced Social Distancing measures have been removed, however please continue to respect and maintain your distance from others where possible.
  • We have reopened out Wetside and Dryside shower blocks.
  • The pre-booking of Lane Swimming Sessions and Fitness Classes will remain in place.

New Online Booking Platform


Please see the video for guidance on how to access our new Online Booking Platform.

Your password is the same as your previous one. you may need to clear your Cookies and Cache data if you are having issues logging in.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused.

Kind Regards,


The Leisure Centres Just Giving page is still live for those who would like to continue to support us throughout our closure.

If you would like to continue to support us throughout closure please click on the link below:


A massive thank you to all those who have already donated!

We thank you all for your continued support of our community facility, something that Bridport should be very proud of.

Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

Kind Regards,

Will and the team at Bridport Leisure Centre

Privacy notice NHS Test and Trace


Previous Customer Updates:

  1. Member Update 1 (June 2020) – https://mailchi.mp/20adb0e508fa/blc-member-update-1-of-3
  2. Member Update 2 (9th July 2020) – https://mailchi.mp/ff612cb4da44/blc-member-update-1-of-5155801
  3. Member Update 3 – Friday 17th July 2020 – https://mailchi.mp/5b821d87df9c/blc-member-update-1-of-5178249
  4. Member Update 4 – Thursday 6th August 2020 – https://mailchi.mp/27095427d…/blc-member-update-1-of-5212505
  5. Member Update 5 – Wednesday 17th March 2020 – Member Update 17/03/21
  6. Phase 1 Swim School Update – March 2021 – Phase 1 Swim School Members